
4.4 ( 9304 ratings )
Разработчик Lendrise

Fii informat! Inclina balanta in favoarea ta!
Cu ScoreRise, poti afla pe loc scorul de credit si istoricul creditelor tale!

Fara drumuri inutile la banca!
Simplu. Rapid. Sigur. Eficient.

Cum functioneaza:

- Descarci aplicatia ScoreRise
- Introduci adresa ta de email
- Fotografiezi cartea de identitate
- Afli scorul de credit si istoricul creditelor tale

Informatiile oferite de aplicatia ScoreRise sunt bazate pe datele obtinute de la Biroul de Credit (Scorul de Credit & Raportul de Credit) si au scopul de a oferi utilizatorului o privire de ansamblu asupra valorii sale financiare. Datele obtinute, precum scorul de credit si istoricul creditelor, pot ajuta in obtinerea unui credit ipotecar, credit de consum sau a altui tip de credit. Daca stii care este profilul tau de risc (cat de riscant esti perceput de catre institutiile financiare) vei putea obtine un credit la pretul corect. Uneori, scorul tau de credit este mai valoros decat banii pe care ii ai in banca.

ScoreRise este destinata doar rezidentilor romani.

Stay informed! Tip the scale in your favour!
Find out your credit score and credit history!

How it works:
- Download ScoreRise app
- Enter your email address
- Scan your ID
- Find your credit score and credit history

ScoreRise has been designed to give the user an overview of his credit worthiness based on the information from Credit Bureau (Credit Score & Credit Report). This should helpfully assist with the mortgage, consumer credit and other credit applications. If you know how risky you are perceived then you can go to the right lender for the right price. Sometimes your credit score is more valuable than the money you have in the bank.

This application is only for Romanian residents.